Hello Hello Hello!!

Its been so many years since I’ve last posted, It really do seems like forever. But I’m back now and ready to tell you guys my great journey during this -Pandemia- 😦

I started with self care first with my mental and physical. I’m now meditating every chance I get; work out and I cut back on drinking A LOT.

Any and everything that was not good for me had to go. That’s including persons, places and things.

Number two, I got more serious about finishing school and achieving my degree. While doing that I received my Real Estate License in Maryland; my Title Insurance Producers License and became certified as a Mobile Notary/Signing Agent of Real Estate documents.

My brain was pretty much scrambled for the past two years LOL

I was able to achieve this in the middle of all of this chaos and hurt from losing loved ones because of this thing called Covid-19. Not being able to see my loved ones home-going really hit hard for me but I got through it.

Life is short people, get out there and achieve your goals, live your life and love the ones who love you 🙂

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